Assure the quality of your PD!

Better quality teacher PD leads to better outcomes. Make sure you're offering  the best available with the practical advice and resources in this helpful guide. Find out what's inside >


"This is a comprehensive overview that provides an evidence-based approach to whole school or MAT CPD.  IRIS Connect are quickly becoming one of our 'go to' providers of high-quality research and learning development resources in all of our schools." John  Kane FCCT, Director of Leadership, Learning and Teaching at Challenger Multi Academy Trust.

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What is this guide about?

Investing in teacher PD in general is unlikely to dramatically impact school improvement nor provide value for money. School leaders and teachers, like yourself, must make informed decisions to invest in professional development that is tailored to schools and teachers’ needs and is evidence-based, ensuring money is well spent. But where do you start?

This guide aims to help you feel confident when faced with investigating external providers, by helping you to know what effective PD looks like, how to quality assure the professional development on offer and measure the impact it has on your learners, staff and school.

This guide includes:

  • Information on what makes effective PD in education
  • Advice on selecting the right continuing professional development provision
  • Suggestions for how to choose the right PD provider and resources
  • Guidance on how to measure the success of PD
  • Effective ways to share findings and build a collaborative culture


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“Who assures the quality of professional development?
How do we ensure that professional development itself is informed by the best evidence and not by the stuff that actually doesn’t work?”

Daniel Mujis, Head of Research, Ofsted